Monday, April 28, 2008

Starting Over

My blog focus has changed. Let's face it. I'm not very good at this blogging business. I just don't think about it. So what's filling up my brain space? Thoughts about church, God, relationships, and everything in between. That's why this blog is going to start to become my head scramblings played out for everyone to read (plus maybe some day to day news mixed in). I have a zillion thoughts that whiz in and out of my brain each day and I seem to have a hard time nailing them down, sorting them out, and keeping them straight. I've been wanting to begin writing them down, hoping it will help organize my internal discussions, and decided the blog will be the start. I'm going to use this blog as a sort of filing systems for my brain. If someone, no one, or everybody reads this, I don't care. I just need to get my crazy thoughts down on paper. If you want to reply and add more questions, thoughts, disagreements, or agreements, be my guest. Here we go...

1 comment:

The Mihalek's said...

Great idea Wendy! That is what blogging is for I guess. I always find it hard to keep up with it too. We just don't do anything terribly exciting and we don't have kids to write about.

I can't wait for all of your thoughts!

Hope you're doing well. I'm counting down until summer vacation!