Tuesday, May 6, 2008

More Earth Conscious

With gas prices sky-rocketing, I've been more conscious of my driving habits and my personal use of natural resources. I realize that I'm a super consumer and I need to be more aware of how much I use and how I can cut back. My life isn't going to drastically change but I do want to lighten up the weight I put on the planet. I'm making small changes like turning off the water when I brush my teeth or being aware of how many lights are on in the house. I also have been unplugging appliances when they are not in use since even turned off electrical items still draw power. I'm trying to consolidate my trips to town to not only save me $$ but to use less gas.
I'm also super excited that my church is 'going green' (so cliche, huh?) this fall. I'm happy that I go to a church that is opened minded and willing to take its part in the keep the environment healthy.