Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Environment and God

Environment and God...don't they go hand in hand? Seems like these days sometimes those two words together can cause quite a stir. I was reading an issue of 'Light and Life' magazine about a year ago. (L&L is a publication of the Free Methodist denomination) Actually, I wasn't reading any articles but the editorials. Obviously there had been an article about the church and it's role in the environment in a previous month. And even more obvious there were some people who were not thrilled about it. In fact, L&L said the article had generated the most feedback ever..and most of it wasn't good. Now I didn't read the article but I know L&L is a 'conservative' publication. I can guarentee there was nothing 'liberal' about it. (I hate labels...but that's a whole other blog!) Reading the feedback I could tell people were outragaed, but what about? I was floored b/c in my nieve mind what was there to argue about. To me it's a cut and dry subject. God has given us authority over the earth and all that is in it. Maybe I'm missing something but aren't we responsible for it's well being? I guess those that replied to the article can't get past Christians even talking about environment. I guess that should be left up to left wingers, right? (Again, can I tell you how much I hate labels.) Left, right, and in-between set aside, are we not supposed to be conscious of the earth? Someone tell me! I'm about to start a sermon series about God being green. I can't wait! These are the thoughts that float through my head on a daily, no make that hour by hour, basis.


Rich and Darcie said...

Wendy -

Glad to hear your thoughts on the environment. It seems very basic to me too. God and the environment go hand and hand. Rich & I have been trying harder to do our part to protect and preserve the environment. Way to go on sharing your thoughts! Good to see you the other week at lunch time!


Chris and Angie Babcock said...

Ok, your getting a little deep for me! And do you see everyone at your lunch time? Are you a lunch time stalker??